Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Leaves of Three, Let it Be

We're all familiar with the adage “leaves of three, let it be.”  And we all know that this refers to Poison Ivy, one of our most irritating (quite literally) native plants. 

The urushiol oil from the plant is one of the most common allergy problems in the U.S.  The oil...

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Monarch Migration

The life cycle of the monarch butterfly is truly one of the most fascinating of any of our native wildlife. 

In a typical year there are four generations of monarch butterflies hatched.  The first three generations, born in the spring and summer months, live on average just 2-6...

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It's Time to Plant Trees

Autumn is the best time of year to plant trees. 

From late September until approximately December 1st (or until the ground freezes) conditions are most favorable for planting due to cooler temperatures and adequate rainfall.  The soil is also warmer in the fall than in the spring...

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Fungus Among Us!

With all of the rain we have had lately, you may have noticed fungi and mushrooms popping up everywhere. 

While visiting a property under easement today, we found this Giant Puffball, or puffball mushroom.  Common in late summer and fall across yards, meadows, fields, and...

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Don't Clean-Up the Woods


We often hear landowners mention the need to "clean-up their woods." 

Generally, they are referring to fallen trees and large limbs that have fallen onto the forest floor.  While we understand the aesthetic reasons for wanting to tidy up, removing this material from the woods is...

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