Shadbush are in Bloom

Shadbush are in Bloom

The shadbush are in bloom. 

According to local lore, the blooming of shadbush coincides with the annual return of migratory shad to our local rivers.  In fact, the concurrence of these two events is how Amelanchier arborea got its common name of shadbush.

Shadbush in bloom. Photo by V. Wallace.
Shadbush in bloom. Photo by V. Wallace.

Also known as common serviceberry, shadbush is a perennial, native shrub found in upland sites throughout the eastern U.S.  It is tolerant of a range of light conditions, prefers dry soil types (rather than wetlands), and averages 15 to 25 feet in height, making it a good native shrub for use in landscaping.  Its berries, which are produced in the summer months, are a good food source for birds and other wildlife.
