Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Virginia Rail

While doing a nighttime marsh bird survey recently on a property subject to a conservation easement, we were fortunate to locate several Virginia rails...
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Shadbush are in Bloom

The shadbush are in bloom. According to local lore, the blooming of shadbush coincides with the annual return of migratory shad to our local rivers. In fact, the concurrence of these two events is how Amelanchier arborea got its common name of shadbush.
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Awaiting Emergence

Our staff horticulturalist, Mark Gormel, tipped us off to the location of this interesting find on the grounds on the Conservancy's offices here in Chadds Ford...
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Teaching the Importance of Water Quality

Last week, a group of students from Upland Country Day School were invited to spend the day at the  Laurels Preserve.

Their morning started off with a stream study in each of the two streams that flow through the Laurels, Buck Run and Doe Run. The collection of macro-invertebrates...

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Winter Resident at the Laurels Preserve

This winter, the Laurels Preserve played host to a rather uncommon visitor.

A juvenile male red-headed woodpecker was first observed on November 11th by our Natural Resource Manager, Kevin Fryberger. Since then the bird has been seen regularly on the same hillside, gathering and caching...

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