Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Winter Visitor at Waterloo Mills

While walking through the meadow at Waterloo Mills Preserve this week, I noticed a hawk flush up from the wetland and land in a tree along the stream. My initial thought, based on the bird's size, was that is was a Red-tailed hawk but after looking at the bird through my binoculars, I saw it wasn't a Red-tail after all...
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Recycle Your Christmas Tree

When you are done with your Christmas tree, don't just throw it to the curb or dump it in the woods.  Consider recycling it. 

For those of you in western and southern Chester County, the SECCRA landfill accepts Christmas trees which they recycle into compost. Continue Reading

A New Woodland Demonstration Garden

The sun was shining and the temperature was mild on December 1st when The Weeders appeared at our Waterloo Mills Preserve in Devon armed with shovels and smiles and ready to install a new woodland demonstration garden. 

The Weeders first contacted Kevin Fryberger, our natural resources...

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Pennsylvania Migration Count

Last Saturday, our staff participated in the 15th successional Pennsylvania Annual Migration Count (PAMC).

The count takes place each spring on the second Saturday in May.  Last year, 704 observers from 40 counties across Pennsylvania participated in the count and 219 species...

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Surpassing Our Goal...with Help from our Friends

As part of our Brandywine watershed reforestation initiative, the Conservancy is aiming to plant 25,000 trees by 2013. 

This year, we had hoped to plant 5,000 trees on public and private lands within the watershed.  Not only did we reach our goal, we surpassed it by planting 7,650...

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