Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Bald Eagle Numbers Soaring in PA

The Pennsylvania Game Commission just released the results of their 2011 bald eagle nest survey and the news is astounding.

The Commission recorded a total of 203 nests in Pennsylvania this year.  To put that number in perspective, in 1983 there were only THREE nests in the entire...

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Go Wild with Petunias!

Are you looking for a native ground cover to use in your yard? Hairy Wild Petunia is a perennial petunia that is native to several counties in Pennsylvania. It has rather adaptable growing conditions and tolerates full or partial sun, moist to dry conditions, and nearly any type of soil.
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Species of the Week: Turkey Vulture

Why turkey vulture as the species of the week?  Why not! 

I happen to think Cathartes aura is one of the most underappreciated of our native birds. So what if they eat carrion (i.e., dead stuff), defecate on their own legs to cool themselves, and vomit...

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The Hazards of Easement Monitoring

Each year, the four members of our easement management staff visit all 34,000 acres of land subject to the Conservancy’s conservation easements.  

We get to visit some of the prettiest landscapes in the region and see some incredibly special places.  In exchange for...

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Featured Native Shrub: Honeysuckle

When most people think of honeysuckle, they think of the Japanese honeysuckle vine that grows along fences and trees-- the one with the sweet nectar we all tasted as kids. 

Japanese honeysuckle and the other three bush honeysuckles (Morrow, Tatarian, and...

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