Conservancy Blog

Conservancy Blog

Species of the Week: Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole makes its way from Mexico and Central and South America each spring to breed and nest in our region.  

While visiting one of our easements with Derek Stoner of the Delaware Nature Society, we had the pleasure of watching a pair of orioles...

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So You Found a Baby Bird...

The spring and summer months are nesting season for most of our resident birds.

It is not unusual at this time of year to find baby birds out of their nests.  If you find a young bird out on its own, you should first determine if the bird needs any...

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Species of the Week: Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern box turtles are the most common terrestrial turtle in the eastern United States. Reaching a maximum length of eight inches, they are highly variable in shape, pattern, and coloration. They can be found in a wide variety of habitats from wooded swamps to dry, grassy fields, though they are most abundant in moist forested areas with plenty of underbrush.
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Indicators of Stream Health

When we think about indicators of stream health, we generally think of macroinvertebrates such as the larvae of damselflies or mayflies, or "herps" like frogs and salamanders. But birds can also be an indicator of stream health. The presence of Louisiana waterthrush during the breeding season can tell us a thing or two about water quality.
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