Brandywine Museum of Art offers virtual field trips and live programs via online platforms for schools. Topics for live programs may be adapted to student and curricular needs. Our education staff is ready to work with you to bring engaging learning experiences to your students.
Virtual school programs are offered free of charge, with a “pay what you wish” option for those schools who may be able to support Brandywine’s educational programming.
To plan a virtual field trip or live program or for more information, please contact Liesl Mahoney at [email protected].
Virtual Field Trips
The Brandywine Museum of Art offers virtual field trips for students of all grade levels, available in a series of 4 to 20-minute thematic and interactive videos featuring favorite works of art from the Museum’s galleries. The content aligns with National Core Arts Standards and can be streamed in a classroom or on individual devices.
Recommended Grades: Kindergarten through 2nd grade
Museum Explorers: Animal Safari
Museum Explorers: Art Adventure
Museum Explorers: Natural Beauty
Recommended Grades: 3rd grade through 5th grade
Recommended Grades: 6th grade through 8th Grade
Recommended Grades: High School and College
Virtual Tours and Gallery Talks
Votes for Women: A Visual History Gallery Tours
Brandywine Museum of Art’s Virtual Field Trips are supported by PECO.