Museum Explorers: Art Adventure

Museum Explorers: Art Adventure


N. C. Wyeth, Treasure Island, endpaper illustration, 1911. Oil on canvas, 32 3/4 × 47 1/8 in. Purchased with funds given in memory of Hope Montgomery Scott, 1997
N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945), Treasure Island, endpaper illustration, 1911, oil on canvas, [email protected]

Art tells a story and in this virtual lesson, students will engage with art such as illustrations from books and a painting of everyday life. Using visual clues and open-ended questions, students will begin to unravel the narratives of these pieces.  

Recommended Grades: Kindergarten through 2nd grade 

Length of Video: 7:08 

Featured Artwork:  

Treasure Island Endpaper by N. C. Wyeth

The Wolf and Doctor Wilkinson (Once it Chased Doctor Wilkinson into the Very Town Itself) by Howard Pyle

Goldilocks and the Three Bowls by Jessie Willcox Smith 

Saying Prayers by Horace Pippin

National Core Arts Standards: 

VA:Re8.1.Pka: Interpret art by identifying and describing subject matter. 

VA:Re8.1.Ka: Interpret art by identifying subject matter and describing relevant details.  

VA:Re8.1.2a: Interpret art by identifying the mood suggested by a work of art and describing relevant subject matter and characteristics of form.  

VA:Cn10.1.Pka: Explore the world using descriptive and expressive words and art-making.  

VA:Cn11.1.Pka: Recognize that people make art. 

VA:Cn11.1.1a: Understand that people from different places and times have made art for a variety of reasons.

To book this virtual tour please contact Liesl Mahoney at [email protected]