Museum Blog

Museum Blog

A Window into Andrew Wyeth’s World

 A recurring pattern you might see in Andrew Wyeth’s temperas and watercolors is his use of light from windows and window structures.

Whether it is a literal depiction of a window or light pouring over a figure’s face or body, Andrew successfully used windows in his...

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Meet the River Rat at the Brandywine Conservancy!

Unknown to many visitors, the Brandywine Conservancy has its own mascot. It is the Brandywine River Rat.

The River Rat began as a symbol to celebrate the Conservancy’s preservation of open land at the King Ranch in Chester County. The River Rat mascot has been in place since the...

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Come Explore With Us!

Join the Advanced Explorers Art Class

Every year the Brandywine River Museum of Art offers our youngest fans a chance to spend a week in our museum learning, growing, and soaking up sun in our beautiful riverside location. The Advanced Explorers Workshop (June 22-26) provides children ages...

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Critter Time!

This past week I met up with critter maker Marilyn DePhillips, and talked about all things critter! She has been a critter maker for about 7 years in the critter workshop of the Brandywine Conservancy, and has the skills to prove it. We had a lot of fun talking about the different materials she uses, including, eggplant skin, crushed up eggshell, and even the tops of bananas. She is always on the lookout for new materials, as are all Brandywine critter makers.
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Come Take a Walk at the Brandywine River Museum

With the heat wave behind us there is nothing better than taking a stroll outside after a museum visit! This past week I decided to go on a walk and take in the Brandywine sights. The River Trail takes you along the Brandywine floodplain, and felt quite refreshing! It’s about one mile roundtrip, and takes you to the meadow across from John Chads house.
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