Members of the Wyeth family have been creating art in the Brandywine region for three generations. In this virtual tour, students will learn about Howard Pyle and how his teachings influenced the Wyeths, including including N. C. Wyeth, his children, Henriette, Carolyn and Andrew Wyeth, and Andrew’s son, Jamie Wyeth.
Recommended Grades: 6th grade through 8th Grade
Length of Video: 12:45
Featured Artwork:
The Nation Makers by Howard Pyle
Treasure Island Endpaper by N. C. Wyeth
Self-Portrait with Palette by N. C. Wyeth
Up from the Woods by Caroyln Wyeth
Pennsylvania Landscape by Andrew Wyeth
Portrait of Pig by Jamie Wyeth
National Core Arts Standards:
VA:Pr6:1.6a: Assess, explain, and provide evidence of how museums or other venues reflect the history and values of a community.
VA:Re.7.1.8a: Explain how a person’s aesthetic choices are influenced by culture and environment and impact the visual image that one conveys to others.
VA:Re.7.2.6a: Analyze wats that visual components and cultural associations suggested by images influence ideas, emotions, and actions.
VA:Re.7.2.7a: Compare and contrast contexts and media in which viewers encounter images that influence ideas, emotions, and actions.
VA:Re8.1.6a: Interpret art by distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant contextual information and analyzing subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed.
VA:Re8.1.7a: Interpret art by analyzing art-making approaches, the characteristics of form and structure, relevant contextual information, subject matter, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed.
VA:Re8.1.8a: Interpret art by analyzing how the interaction of subject matter, characteristics of form and structure, use of media, art-making approaches, and relevant contextual information contributes to understanding messages or ideas and mood conveyed.