Fairies at Brandywine

On Saturday June 21st the Brandywine River Museum celebrated the first day of summer by hosting a Fairy House Workshop.
People of all ages came out to decorate homes for any fairies that might be living in their home gardens. Everyone had a great time from the small children to the older gentleman who was constantly in need of more glue. As an observer of this event, all I want to do now is make a fairy village for my backyard.
As I walked around the room, looking at all the houses, I noticed the wide variety of houses as well as the ages and genders of the participants. There were Bella and Sammy, the two little girls who were making houses for Tinkerbell. The older man mentioned before was accompanied by his wife and daughter and refused to have his picture taken just in case his friends might see it. And I must say, his house was one of my favorites. There was a little boy with a broken arm who was so dedicated to making the perfect house he brought materials home to continue working on it. A father was attentively running back and forth to the materials table bringing back more and more supplies for his two daughters to use. Finally, there was a mother and son and as the workshop was ending the mother said, “I never thought I would have to tell my adult son that it was time to leave.”
The bases of the houses were very simple and ready for decoration. The materials used to decorate the houses all came from nature such as, moss, leaves, sticks, beans, flowers, and so much more. There was such a variety of materials to be used; everyone had a unique and beautiful house. As everyone left, their houses in hand it was clear that they were proud of their creations and couldn’t wait to put them in their gardens at home.
After the workshop ended, the participants had the opportunity to walk around the grounds on a scavenger hunt for fairy houses that had been placed along the river. I saw many parents and their children outside enjoying the scenery and the nice weather searching for those fairy houses. Overall, this event was a huge success, the participants loved making their houses and the Brandywine River Museum plans on hosting similar events in the future.