“The best day ever!”

To celebrate Andrew Wyeth’s birthday the Brandywine Conservancy & Museum of Art held the Water Moves Workshop.
Children, families and many visitors gathered along the river, and could participate in different stations that were all water themed. Both children and adults enjoyed the watercolor station where they drew with watercolor crayons by the river. At different stations, conservancy staff taught visitors whatwatershed they lived in, and about how certain plants will clean the water. Many people were excited that they could then take home a plant, as well as their watercolor drawings.
At the last station was what looked almost like an ice sculpture. Blocks of ice were stuck together with salt, and visitors were encouraged to add a little bit of salt on the ice, and then add a drop of food color to where they had sprinkled salt. The dye spread through the ice and created a kind of tie-dye effect.
I had the pleasure of taking pictures during the Water Moves workshop, and I definitely enjoyed seeing the amazement in adults and children of how something seemingly simple could create something so interesting and pretty. As I walked from station to station, I overheard a little girl say to her mother, “This is the best day ever so far!” With the weather so nice, and everyone having so much fun, I couldn’t have agreed more!