Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Recycle Your Christmas Tree

When you are done with your Christmas tree, don't just throw it to the curb or dump it in the woods.  Consider recycling it. 

For those of you in western and southern Chester County, the SECCRA landfill accepts Christmas trees which they recycle into compost. Get details here.

 For other areas, check with your municipality to see if tree recycling is available.

There are other ways to recycle your tree in your own backyard:

  1. Use it as a bird feeder.  Place the Christmas tree in the garden or backyard and use it as a bird feeder and sanctuary. Fresh orange slices, suet or strung popcorn will attract the birds and they can sit in the branches for shelter. (Make sure all decorations, hooks, garland and tinsel strands are removed).  Eventually the branches will become brittle and you can break the tree apart by hand or chip it in a chipper.
  2. Make your own mulch.  Tree branches can be be chipped and used as mulch.
  3. Line trails.  Your tree can be shredded or chipped and used to line hiking or riding trails.