A New Woodland Demonstration Garden

A New Woodland Demonstration Garden

The sun was shining and the temperature was mild on December 1st when The Weeders appeared at our Waterloo Mills Preserve in Devon armed with shovels and smiles and ready to install a new woodland demonstration garden. 

The Weeders first contacted Kevin Fryberger, our natural resources manager, several months ago hoping to collaborate on a project.  From their discussions, the idea of creating a demonstration garden at Waterloo Mills was conceived.  The concept would be to showcase woodland shrub and wildflower species native to the Piedmont region but which do not currently occur at Waterloo Mills.  

First, a fence was erected at the chosen site to keep the garden-to-be protected from deer.  Then, members of The Weeders helped Kevin design the layout of the garden and choose the species to be included.  The concept is to showcase woodland shrub and wildflower species native to the Piedmont region but which do not currently occur at Waterloo Mills.  Last week, The Weeders planted a variety of shrubs in the garden (see the list of species below) and in the spring, additional shrub species and native wildflowers will be added.  We are grateful to The Weeders for all of the energy, enthusiasm, and hard work that went into this project. 

Rosebay: Rhododendron maxium
Flame Azalea: Rhododendron calendulaceum
Fetterbush, Swamp Dog-hobble: Leucothoe racemosa
Eastern Wahoo, Burning-bush: Euonymus atropurpureus
Wild Hydrangea, Seven-bark: Hydrangea arborescens
Nannyberry, Sheepberry: Viburnum lentago
Witherrod: Viburnum cassinoides
Possumhaw: Viburnum nudum
Meadowsweet: Spirea alba
American mountain ash: Sorbus americana
Flowering dogwood: Cornus florida