Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees


Cuyler H. Walker

Chair of the Board; Chair, Executive Committee

Mrs. Michael Matz

Vice Chair of the Board; Chair, Museum Committee

Gregory F. Fields

Vice Chair of the Board; Treasurer; Chair, Finance Committee

David Harrington

Assistant Treasurer; Chair, Investment Committee

W. Donald Sparks II, Esquire


Jack M. Hines Jr.

Chair, Conservancy Committee

Virginia A. Logan

Executive Director & CEO and Assistant Secretary (ex officio)


Romona Riscoe Benson

Pamela Biddle

Mati Bonetti de Buccini

Cynthia Borger

Roberts Wyckoff Brokaw III

Clementina Brown

Sophie Derrickson

Margaret Duprey

Charles Elson

Terence Farrell

R. Thorpe Moeckel

Rodman W. Moorhead III

Anne Moran

Claire Reid

Scott F. Richard

Chris Ross

Missy Shaffer

David Stratton

Morris W. Stroud II

Joseph Watkins

McCoy duPont Weymouth

Peter Zimmerman