From Sprout to Spider: Local Artist Gets Her Start at the Brandywine River Museum of Art

One of the most exciting and fulfilling parts of working at the Brandywine River Museum of Art is getting to see the impact we have on the children who visit. Through our Education Department we get to see children rise through the ranks from wee little sprouts at our Read-Aloud programs, to adventurous young people attending our camps and morning workshops, to the stage that makes us incredibly proud – following their dreams to become an artist.
Recently we had the chance to interview Jacqui Moulder. Jacqui has been attending arts programs at the Brandywine River Museum of Art for many years, though she is still in high school, and recently got to present some of her artwork while mentoring younger artists during one of our summer Museum Explorer programs.
Right now, I am a volunteer at the Brandywine River Museum of Art. I'm sixteen and a senior in high school. When I first came to the museum I was a little girl. My aunt and my mother had heard about the children's programs and they put me in the art camp. I absolutely loved it. Going to the museum strengthened my love for the arts and my passion about what I was doing.
The next year I came back. I couldn't get enough of the museum. Once I got too old for the children’s programs I wanted to stay at the museum and be a part of it, so I asked if I could start volunteering. I feel like I've grown up here and become part of the community. I see all the young kids that remind me of myself when I was their age and it makes me so happy to see the passion in their eyes when they make something of their own.
Q: What are the greatest lessons you have learned working at the Brandywine?
So hard to choose! Always keep it original. This is the first place I learned that. Stick with it. Even when I was too old for the kid’s programs I came back.
Q: What Brandywine program do you remember being most influential to you as an artist?
The Advanced Explorers – it was more one on one. Most of the time it was the basic elements of what every kid needs to learn. They always brought it back to a Brandywine foundation.
I had the opportunity to illustrate my first book, The Untold Story of the Eensy-Weensy Spider, by my aunt, Lisa Moulder McNamara. It's the classic children's tale with a fun twist. I presented my book at the museum on August 2, 2015 and it delights me that I'll be able to share it with kids who will hopefully find as much joy in it as I did.
Q: Now that you have illustrated a children’s book what’s up next?
My aunt is working on another book. About her oldest son but I can’t say more than that!
It is a fantastic place, definitely a worthwhile experience -especially for kids. Most museums are so boring for kids. They kept trying different things for me, I was a hyper kid. This was so different, it was so much fun.
I've had a great ride at the Brandywine River Museum of Art and I hope to keep going on this creative adventure as I eventually go on to college and more fully immerse myself in the arts.
It has been a gift to watch Jacqui grow over the past few years and we are so thankful that she now works with the next generation of young artists to sharpen their talents and pass on her passion for the Brandywine.