Imagine Brandywine: Which is YOUR Favorite?

Imagine Brandywine: Which is YOUR Favorite?

With each passing day, the temperature seems colder, the trees have less leaves and it gets darker earlier.

This would make a person rather sad and yet I have arrived every day this week with a big smile on my face the moment I enter the Brandywine River Museum.  This happiness is caused by a new exhibition entitled: Imagine Brandywine, which is located on the ground floor of the museum, easily accessible from the handicapped entrance or the elevator.

Different from the other works in the museum, this exhibition contains the works of students from kindergarten through sixth grade from Avon Grove Charter School. The 159 works of art are framed in identical black frames and hung next to one another in a way that really allows for relationships between the different pieces to surface. These works will be hung until sometime in January, when students from another school will have a chance to have their art hung in a museum.


I was told to pick my favorite of the student art work, not for any real reason, just for the fun of it, and so I have walked around and around the works trying to find “the one” that speaks to me most. Perhaps it should be the silhouetted black tree set against bright green grass and a purple and blue sky.  Or, the collage of pine trees complete with a lumberjack working on chopping one down. No wait! It must be watercolor painting of trees, but not the view we normally see, but the view of looking up and seeing the trunks reach up to the sky and all of the foliage meeting in the middle.

The truth is I have walked around the art work for days now and have yet to have “the one” that speaks to me because I am truly excited by all of the works hung.  I mean honestly how could I ever choose between a cloud with a pink smiley face and a picture of a bright purple and orange pumpkin patch? Perhaps you can choose but I have decided to remain impartial and rather than pick “the one” I have decided to find the beauty and merit in all 159 works hung on the wall. I do, however, enjoy hearing about the favorites of those who have had the pleasure of seeing this exhibit. I encourage everyone to come to the Brandywine River Museum and stop down on the ground level and see if you can find your “one.” I promise you, it is harder than it sounds.
