A Family Celebration

A Family Celebration

Although I will be back at the end of January, today is my final day of the semester as an intern with the Research Center.

What a wonderful note to end on, as I was able to spend last week helping the incredible Brandywine staff prepare for the annual Christmas display!

As noted in my previous blogs, the main project I worked on this semester was the organization and summarizing of the letters acquired by the Research Center, written to Ann Wyeth McCoy. So I was thrilled to be able to help set up a part of her extensive dollhouse, recently donated to the Conservancy by the family. Ann’s husband John gave her the dollhouse in 1966, for which she spent decades collecting furniture and accessories. I got to help furnish the beginning stages of the kitchen, while librarian, Gail Stanislow, worked on the dining room, and curator of collections, Virginia O’Hara, re-glazed some of the windows.

The fresh scent of pine began to fill the room as Brian Cawley, visual director from Lord & Taylor, placed trees all around the gallery. Carols were playing in the background, and the beginnings of a true Christmas wonderland were beginning to unfold! Gail jumped in, showing off her holiday spirit. Every detail of the display is meticulously planned, as shown by associate curator Audrey Lewis, and Virginia O’Hara discussing the contents of a text panel.

Another part of the display includes a recreation of the Wyeth living room at Christmastime, using dolls from Ann’s collection and actual furniture from the family home. Curatorial assistant and volunteers Carol and Jim Ellis decorated the tree using actual ornaments from the Wyeth collection. I was very excited to be asked to help with the finishing touches!

For those of you who haven’t visited, I don’t want to spoil any surprises, so I will just end with just a couple of my favorite photos that I took from the finished dollhouse rooms as a teaser!

Christmas is a time for family, and this year, I feel like I got to be part of both the Wyeth and Brandywine families. You will feel the same once you walk through the door. I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating!