A Colorful Crowd
Last Tuesday the Malvern School “Friends” came into the Brandywine River Museum and were read the charming children’s book, Olivia, which features an aspiring singing and museum loving pig.
When the children were led into the gallery by one of Brandywine’s knowledgeable docents, they gathered around Portrait of Pig and were excited to see and hear about the corn-fed pig.
One little girl screamed out in excitement that she was eager to see the ballerinas and the “pretty purple ballet dancer,” referring to Jamie Wyeth’s portrait of Rudolf Nureyev. Some of the comments made were, “I LOVE THE PURPLE!!” and “I really want to paint something like this one day.”
After the tour of Jamie’s works the kids created their own animals out of Model Magic and below is a picture I captured of their wonderful creations.
I believe that kids truly love to experience works of art and it is important to keep exposing children to the world of art. Children ages 6-12 get into the museum for only $6 and children under six are free. Please visit our website to plan your next visit!