From Chadds Ford to NYC

From Chadds Ford to NYC

Before moving to New York City I always had the comfort that there were some Wyeth paintings I could visit when I was homesick.

The Chadds Ford landscape has always been a comfort for me, and I never realized how lucky I was to grow up in such a beautiful environment. Speaking of that, whenever I say I’m from the West Chester /Chadds Fordarea, people usually say…

Oh how beautiful it is there!

So upon moving to New York, I was shocked to first see Christina’s World on the subway. That’s right…the subway. I wonder if Andrew ever imagined this work to be plastered up on the F train. It actually kind of disturbed me. I’m so used to seeing Wyeth work in a very different sensory environment. Against lush walls, hearing my creaky steps against the old wooden floors, and being able to peak at the Brandywine River out of the closest window.


So I decided to venture to the MoMa and see what their Wyeth experience would be like.Christina’s World seems to be one of their prize jewels, so I was sure the display would reflect that. For the first 20 minutes I wandered aimlessly around trying to find it. The museum was packed so that was already taking away from my experience. I finally had to ask where it was and was told it was in the “American Modern: From Hopper to O’Keefe” exhibit. Okay. Here we go…

So it’s not exactly how I would have liked it to be displayed. Against white wash walls with harsh spotlights on it. Let alone all the people I had to maneuver around to see it. I didn’t realize how spoiled I was to grow up seeing art in a place that was relevant to the paintings.

I guess my point is, cherish the Brandywine and the beautiful way it displays art! But if you are ever in NYC, Christina and I are here…