Gardening Like the Forest: Healthy Food, Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Ecosystems

Healthy forests maintain, fertilize, and renew themselves. Typical residential landscapes embody a culture of separation that disrupts ecosystems, destroys habitats, and ultimately damages our own well-being. Nature has much to teach us! By mimicking healthy forest structure and function in our landscapes we can meet our own needs while regenerating healthy ecosystems for ourselves, and for our human and non-human neighbors. Edible forest gardening is the art and science of putting plants together in woodland-like patterns that forge mutually beneficial relationships. Join us for this virtual event with Dave Jacke, as we discuss the vision of forest gardening, some scientific background, and a few examples of edible perennials you can grow in your own garden.

Dave Jacke, is the primary author of the award winning book Edible Forest Gardens. He has run Dynamics Ecological Design since 1984, consulting on, designing, building, and planting landscapes, homes, farms, and communities in the many parts of the U.S., as well as overseas. A student of ecology and design since the 1970s, he holds an M.A. in Landscape Design from the Conway School of Landscape Design and homesteads in Montague, MA. Learn more at
This event is brought to you by Brandywine Conservancy’s Stewardship Series and is one of the many events designed to support the 2023 Community Read Program at Longwood Gardens.