What's Eating My Parsley?

What's Eating My Parsley?

If you have an herb garden that contains parsley, coriander/cilantro, dill or fennel you may be lucky enough to see one of these:

Photo courtesy of N. Masi
Photo courtesy of N. Masi

The black swallowtail butterfly uses members of the Apiaceae family as host plants.  The adult butterflies lay their eggs on plants of this family; when the caterpillars hatch, these plants serve as their primary food source.  Members of this family of plants include- in addition to the herbs listed above- carrot, celery, parsnip, and the common white wildflower Queen Anne's Lace.  The caterpillar seen above was photographed in my garden this morning.  It is a late instar and is nearly ready to pupate.  (If it was a younger caterpillar, it would have small spikes on its body.)  The adult black swallowtail butterfly, shown below, is common in our region.  Given how attractive this butterfly is, I don't mind sacrificing a little parsley to feed the caterpillars.