Important Bird Area in Chester County

Important Bird Area in Chester County

The Laurels, King Ranch and Stroud Important Bird Area (IBA) are the culmination of numerous years’ worth of data collection and the foresight of many conservation-minded landowners. 

King Ranch landscape
King Ranch landscape
Comprising 41,950 acres within central Chester County-- of which 25,834 acres (62%) are protected by the Brandywine Conservancy, Natural Lands Trust, and county and municipal governments-- it is the largest contiguous block of protected open space in the five-county Philadelphia region.  Not surprisingly, this IBA hosts the highest density and diversity of grassland-nesting birds in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Today, I had the opportunity to lead a group of 11 members of the Delaware Nature Society on a tour of the IBA to view and discuss various hay management techniques and their respective impacts on avian populations.  After several hours, we had observed 84 species of birds...(and a lot of hay).  Our most notable finds included six Dickcissel, five Grasshopper Sparrows, two Blue Grosbeaks, seven Savannah Sparrows, thirty-six Bobolinks, twenty-three Eastern Meadowlarks, two Bald Eagles, and a Great Blue Heron rookery that contained 19 birds.

If you would like advice on how to better manage your grasslands to support the greatest diversity of grassland-nesting birds, please contact the Conservancy at (610) 388-8340.