Cool Caterpillar at the Laurels

Cool Caterpillar at the Laurels

Photo by Kevin Fryberger

While cutting invasive oriental bittersweet vines in the Laurels Preserve last week, we discovered a caterpillar that we had never seen before. 

It sat motionless on a nearby grapevine and could have been easily overlooked because of its cryptic coloration.  We conducted a little research and found that it is a caterpillar in the Hornworm (Sphingidae) family, known by the common name Abbott's Sphinx (Sphecodina abbottii). This species of caterpillar has two different color forms and a "horn" located near the tail end of the body that appears as an eye-like bump.  Abbott's sphinx caterpillars feed primarily on leaves from plants in the grape family.  You can find them between May and September.

Photo by Kevin Fryberger
Photo by Kevin Fryberger